Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Time Before

Dating back to the Stone Age, man and woman have grappled with the decisions of how to improve their living spaces. I can imagine the following conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Thag:

Mrs. Thag: "Me no like fire in that corner of cave!!! Look better in other corner!!!"
Mr. Thag: "But fire always be in that corner of cave (mumbling)!!!"
Mrs. Thag: *Smacks Mr. Thag with club*
Mr. Thag: Moves fire into other corner.

One week later...

Mrs. Thag: "Me like fire back in first corner."
Mr. Thag: *Smacks Mrs. Thag with club* Moves fire back to first corner. Goes out to kill a Mastadon and have a few with the 'Boys.'

So, from Cave Feng Shui to the present, we humans have always endured the stresses of remodeling, renovating and relocating our abodes. These are the excerpts of our remodeling efforts. Our kitchen and family room area are to be gutted tomorrow. I can still hear the distant echoes of the Thag family:

Mrs. Thag: "Stop drawing hunting trips on cave wall and move rock pile to back of cave."
Mr. Thag: "As soon as there is commercial..."
Mrs. Thag: *Hurls rock at Mr. Thag*
Mr. Thag: "Coming!" Mumbling, "Just when game was getting good...@#%#!!"

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